Magnificently rich soil organic matter maximises flavour and texture integrity
Potatoes’ flavour, texture and nutrition integrity are governed by their root systems which are influenced very strongly by the quality of soils, the climate zone and the methods of growing.
Most potatoes in Australia are grown in sand and substandard soils: they are largely folio fertilised for fast growth. The result is limited flavour and texture development. At the Carriageworks and Northside Growers markets in Sydney, we regularly are told of the limitations of these potatoes.
Our potatoes truly are different in flavour and texture and thus the way you cook which is to focus on drawing out their delicious flavours. This is why we constantly and regularly receive from our customers comments such as:
“I love your potatoes.”
“I didn’t like potatoes until your potatoes.”
“Yours taste like the ones from Denmark – I have finally found fabulous potatoes.”
“Best potatoes I have ever had.”
“The last batch you gave me did not even need dressing for a salad as so much flavour in them.”
“Your potatoes don’t last – because we eat them so fast. My children now really like potatoes. My children’s friends say our potatoes are great.”
“You can always go to Maccas (for chips) but I like these ones better” (9yrs of age)
From nature's best comes nature's best
Regenerative agriculture is based on the foundation stone that from nature’s healthiest soils comes nature’s healthiest and most delicious produce.

Potato plants feed off and drink from the soils. Potatoes are one of the most water efficient crops in the world. Soil organic matter is critical to the quality of flavour, texture and nutrition and ability of soils to hold water. About 50% of Soil Organic Matter is:
- carbon from decomposition of plants and animals in soils
- atmospheric carbon dioxide drawn in by plants through photosynthesis for new cell formation and energy
Absorbed carbon in dead plants is locked into the decomposing biomass in soils. Soil Organic Matter is the glue that provides structure for all the smaller soil particles to:
- Support root growth
- Increase water absorption
- Enable water retention
- Resist erosion by rain and wind
Soil Organic Matter provides a feeding ground for soil micro-organisms. The bacteria, fungi, protozoa, ryzobias and the many other forms. These microbes are creating nutrients and minerals for plants to feed off via their root systems. The population of worms is a good indicator of soil health.
Every time soils where these potatoes are grown are tested for levels of soil organic matter, the results astound – they are so high.
Biomass of Roots
Lots of Worms
Organic Matter
Structured Soil
Potato plants are external feeders and love rich, water holding soils
The healthier the soils and the climate, the better the plants grow and produce as they should. Nature designed potato plants so that rich beautifully balanced organic matter soils stimulate major root growth and from the roots, major hair growth. These roots and the hairs feeds from the components in the soils and drink water. And this is now high flavour, rich texture, high nutrition potatoes are grown.
To maximise root system and follicles growth requires soils full of soil organic matter in a cool climate with a superb rainfall. This is what underpins The Gourmet Potato Hill – provider of Australia’s best potatoes from the fabulous soils at Wildes Meadow and Robertson in the Southern Highlands.
Established in 1904, some 114 years of growing mouth watering, highly mooreish potatoes has been the raison d’etre of the Hill family of Wildes Meadow. Growing the very best, the most flavoursome potatoes with formed natural textures is truly an art that five generations of the Hill family has built on and perfected.